Saturday, October 8, 2011

And now, our logo

While waiting to present the first details about our products, I'm going to finish the story of our name and logo, started in the previous post.We wanted a logo that would draw attention to the fact that our name is the union of two words, "thing" and "think", so we tried to highlight the end of the name, the two letters gk. Here are some drafts:

The only drawback was the lack of an icon or a pictogram. After several retries, we noticed that the "gk" combination in the first draft resembled a stylized stick man. Better yet, a men with a club (Do you remember our manifesto? We are the new men with the club, and our club is irony).At that point we blended in the "thin" theme, and obtained this:

The letter are only half-drawn, to highlight the fact that the name is a half and half combination of "thing" and "think".

To really resemble a men, though, we were still missing a head. No sooner said than done:

What's more, the logotype resembles a bunch of PCB tracks. That is soo geek, and we love that ;)

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